Peanut Butter Dilemma

So, I have the okay to use this from my hub. It sort of relates how we as women do things in life. I am embracing a whole new life, of which I will blog later, but as I am frantically trying to overcome a lifelong genetically malfunction that exist in me regarding technology and trying with failure to set up a blog my husband, in the background, is having a peanut butter meltdown! My frustration levels are elevating as I am trying to figure out how setting up a simple blog can be so challenging while the rants of my husband regarding peanut butter smooth versus chunky echoes off the walls and into my already overstimulated brain. The "old wife" in me would stop every thing and go and assist in the making of what is left of the favorite smooth pb sandwich while cooing soothing words of how I will take care to purchase more Skippy smooth peanut butter when I go shopping again.  The "new" me, who I have wanted to be all along, simply said "Love, I have no time for your peanut butter meltdown as I am having a blogging meltdown of my own." What does this have to do with advice? It is a simple way of starting an advice blog that says
"WOMEN WHERE ARE YOUR APPROPRIATE BOUNDARIES?" I would love to help you in your journey of life. I am your instant girlfriend! Please leave questions or life stories that will help our "sisters" who are journeying with us!


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