Curse of Eve

Have you ever had one of those days that NO MATTER what anyone says, they are wrong? They have either said it in the wrong tone or what they said was completely off base or just by opening up their mouths was their first mistake. It is those days that the male species says "they are just p.m.s-ing". ( They do not realise how close to losing their lives in a vicious mad dog attack when they arrogantly spout that too worn out phrase.) Oh, don't get me wrong, they are right.  We are having p.m.s. It is just that it is said with such male high and mightiness, as IF they don't go through it themselves. (They do, I promise.) It is just as females we get the curse of Eve that comes along with being the first one to bite the forbidden fruit. But hey, someone had to do it. We had to get human kind moving along and so it goes back to the theory that "Eve was cursed with her monthly thing and Adam was to till the earth......and then Farmers were invented." So when that time comes there is a moment, a day, a few days were we are wicked incarnate. The frothing of our mouths when someone says something stupid like "would you like me to make breakfast for you?" The  vigorous throwing of the pillows carelessly onto the beds. (DON'T THEY KNOW HOW TO PUT THROW PILLOWS ON A FREAKIN' BED?) The audacity of someone wanting and willing to rub your back, don't they know you don't feel well? The ignoring of the phone ringing as it surely is someone who WANTS something from you, don't they know you are on the curse?  You want to scratch eyes out of anyone who dares approach you. You want to murder anything and anyone who stupidly ventures into your pathway. And passes. You all of sudden crave chocolate, have a smile on your face, willing to rearrange pillows with love, and want to know if your scared spitless spouse is willing to give that backrub now. Cybil. Craziness. The Curse.
 It seems unfair when you look at it. But then on the flip side we do get to say "Um, I AM p.m.s.-ing."


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