What is Needed..........
I just had a "friend" meltdown. You know the one when that "spirit sister" comes and knocks on your door the very minute you feel helpless or hopeless or broken. It is not always the same person but it is that someone that entered your life the very minute you needed to share or be comforted. Or maybe you WERE that spirit-sister. The one that had a nagging sensation you should go visit so and so. Or by impulse you find yourself standing at their front door. The topic of conversation today was huge trials that result in the lost of who you are in a sense. My friend so succinctly said it is "always doing what is needed but not doing what is wanted." As women, and I know I have my man-follower, so I will say as grown-ups, we sometimes lose ourselves into the service and needs of others. Be that family, friends, church, school, work, neighbors. We fill the needs of those while putting ours on the back burner of life. It is a juggling act isn't it? You cannot always fully indulge yourself all the time because then you miss the intricate life lessons that come only in being of service to others. And yet how do you serve others and fill your own needs and wants? It is a tight rope walk and depending on your personality and how one was raised, it can be daunting. Some sway too far to self indulgence while others swing too far to martyrdom service. Like I said tight rope. After my "soul" sister left my husband showed up with a Redbull and dark chocolate. So there was some self indulgence...it got me off the tightrope. So next time you find yourself at someones front door, know you are needed. And be sure to have chocolate in your hand because that is what "soul sisters" do.