The Amazing Sisterhood of Our Traveling Life

The amazing thing about the female persuasion , that our male counter parts lack, is the ability to become "sist-as" with those we meet on our journey in this life. We have this almost primal urge to meet and then bond with other women in what can look like a multi level chart. There are those who are friends, best friends, besties, neighbor friend, church get togetherer-type person, lunch mates, work out partner, soccer mom friend, and then there is the highly coveted "sister".  Now, if you are one that has a "sister" that share everything with you including genetics and parent,s then count yourself lucky charmed. For those who aren't quite so blessed, do not fret, there is a "sist-a" just waiting to find you. In the very poetic words of one of my "favorite sistas", girlfriends come into your life "for a minute, a reason, or a season."  The admired gal pal comes in many forms and weaves in and out of our years of living. There are those who live in far far far away land and  is your sister via the written word.  Oh, how sweet the mere arrangement of words by a more-then-friend-more-like-a-sister can improve or change your journey for the better. There are those who are in for a mere minute. They leave you, say like to Idaho, and you can't believe that this friendship has already seen it's time in which you two can be near each other, dropping in for chats, sharing family stories, she adoring your littlies and smexy husband. There are those who may be friends for life but the reason they are in your way is because they  bring to the table a depth of understanding of who you are and how you operate and yet still love you anyway! I have a friend who has just such a friendship. They, these two girls, have been blessed to meet up for a little vacation as they live very far apart. Though time has grown long between each visit, they pick up as if no time has passed at all. The understanding that families and life choices require them to see little of each other, the letters and the emails serve in the place of living near each other. But my friend requested that I blog about the importance of having a true blue sister. As she said that the ability of this said friend to be able to say things in the way she needs to hear it and to give that understanding/companionship of the somewhat lonely changes she needs to make in her life, is unparalleled in its  importance. The kinship we garner from these relationships are what makes life a little easier. These friendships can form over small encounters. Yet grow into a life of friendship in some worthy form or another. These women who pass in and out of our lives and come in old, young, tall, small, educated or non, similiar interest or nothing in common but a sisterhood. I know that sisterhood is ordained for us to partake of and to enhance and gather strength. None of us have it right but together we might get close. So take some time out today and write to that "sister" or whisper a little gratitude prayer for that one or two or more of the female friendship that love you despite you and you the same for her. Go & Do...... with your best mate!


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