Inner Guide

(I wrote this yesterday but was hesitant to post as it is some of the "same ol' stuff". But today I am posting it anyway with care thrown to the wind.)

I believe we all have come to this world with an inner voice that hides under our conscience to guide us if we are quiet enough to listen. Maybe it isn't even being quiet it is more silencing those lessons that we learned to disregard that voice for the louder lesson of propriety. I have found that adhering to that voice has often brought me opposition. But I quote a famous book "opposition in ALL things." I have often found strength in the fact when something ever so important came up and I CHOSE to follow my "inner guide", despite opposing factions, that my life was for the better. I recall being very young and walking along a hillside with my then best friend Tracey. We were cutting across back yard fences and corrals as well as open fields. We came to a paddock with horses contained within. The fine steads stood at the top of the hill whilst we were about to enter the barbwire fence about half way down. My voice shouted….."don't go in, go around." I stopped my companion and said the very words that I had heard in my mind. She argued the point for a moment and then came to the conclusion that we could walk around the large pen instead of trespassing through it. Right as we would have been in the very path the horses were spooked and galloped down the hill. Had we been in the path we would have been munched. ( a repeat story I am well aware.)I recall the time we were camping (with my parents friends plus children) near the Snake River, if memory serves. We all were enjoying tubing and playing in the water. My dad decided my little brother had had enough and said he would take the little tyke back to the camper for some R&R. That set in motion the inkling that yes indeed it was time to get out of the water. Two large families had yanked their children out of the warm H2O with the exception of a few teens and  a couple of parents. I remember standing on the soft sand and suddenly a large wall of water filled with debris and broken trees came rushing toward us. A Flash Flood. My mother was caught up river in it and I remember seeing her being pushed down the river. My brother happen to be caught in it too. His angels helped him grab onto a rock or stuck tree and he held on for dear life. I saw my mother being forced passed him and at the last possible moment my  brother reached out and grabbed at her and pulled her in. He then used all his strength to hold onto her and they, with life saving effort, pulled themselves to the opposite shore from me. The inner guide had saved our families that day. I have made decisions not popular with those around me BUT were absolutely beneficial in the long run. I remember not listening to that guide. A child of mine had needs not being met. She was young and had been put in a situation, looking back, that was not suitable. But it was one of those things that you feared the "loss" of yada, yada. I confided in someone who may have given me good advice but went opposite and said my standards for this child wasn't high enough. So I set  up higher standards, dismissing my inner voice, and went along with "it". Worst possible thing I could have done. A regret that I will carry. The voice had nagged me for a year and I really knew better. But then there were guidance were I listened and my life sang! I did the things that I was inspired to do and it lead to better relationships, happier life, authentic and inspired! I found that my life usually takes the turn for the best when I listen to that voice. I receive strength from that voice. It's as if it gives me a super human strength that starts at the bottom of my back and slithers up , through the spine,  enabling me to have the backbone to follow through on what I know to be true. I love that voice. I miss that voice when I can't hear it. It is funny how it ebbs and tide in my life, most likely dependent on my hearing. But it is ever true and ever present, if I choose. Go and Do.


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