
Okay, I am not going to lie. Today became the day your mother never tells you about. My card didn't go through at the grocery store, my tire had a flat and it was .50 cents to use air to blow it up times two, I made too many mistakes at the old work factory to really being willing to admit too and I have realized that my apostrophes have been all over the place. As my co-worker so aptly put "Honey, I smell the stink you just stepped in." I  believe parents forgo the truth of adulthood because if it were really actually told then we would Peter Pan it and never grow up! (We all know someone who is a perpetual Peter…not so becoming.)  Today, I long to duel with Captain Hook , swim with the mermaids, and not change my underwear. (Okay, not that so much!) But you get the picture.  Oh, yes there is always an upside. Mine is I got paid today, half what I normally do due to illness, and was able to purchase a pile of bacon that I may choose to consume within a very alarming rate of speed. I also am going to tuck a few monies away for the much needed "foreign" chocolate, you know the one chocolate bar that is ubber expensive but expensively petite and wrapped in what should be real gold? Well, I am going to gobble one of those down like Veruca (spell) Salt in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie. Ah, mother never said there would be days like this. Now I know why. 


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