So I lied...

I am having the 9 year old party already as we speak! The "boy" who is twelve usually spurns his sister unless no one else is around to hang out with and then his sister is his best friend. Today, the boy has a friend over who is in constant twitter pated state with any of the female gender. So the two of them have heighten the party mood of a bunch of 9 and 10 year olds in their pj's (at 4:30 in the afternoon) to simply crazy. The friend and the boy are "scaring" the girls and running around like chickens minus heads while the girls vocal range has quadrupled in volume! The pounding of music and the screeches of girls and the running of boys is about to make me take the rose colored glasses off and step on them. If another door slams or another high pitched scream echoes through this house I may have to garner some  of that caramel popcorn and find a hiding place void of any noise. Seriously, McDonald's with a room full of high-schoolers after a band concert is quieter then my house. Okay, so maybe the 4 hour "play date" is a little over reaching. Can I just put them in front of a movie and offer duct tape for anyone who wants it? No? Okay, in the words of a famous vampire (Edward) "I guess I am just going to have to endure it."
Okay, maybe I should yell at the karate chops and the giggling and the trying to speak higher then the person standing right next to them!!! Oh to be young....oh to be old. I will endure the yelling, put on the movie and think "one day she will remember this memory when her mom let her have just pure unadult like fun." (Okay, I did just have to yell and someone trying to slam the door over and over....ugh.)O
Memories come at a price. I, yes I am, willing to pay. She just better remember this when she is in therapy as a grown up saying I haven't met any of her expectations. I am pulling this card out just for that time. Go and do w/o the 9 years old.


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