Mommy Blogging Not Working...

My Mommy Blogging isn't working…It cut out my post and didn't complete my last one or post it!!
Lame Sauce!

It is stormy here in my little Happy Valley of the world. Wind is roaring but it is almost like the last breath of Mr. Winter trying to stay here and not go away. That is just like our habits, isn't it? Once we decide to change the storms hit trying to keep us the same. Peeps don't like change. Have you ever noticed that? Once you try to stop something like over eating, drinking, change of music, whatev' you are trying to change, the people who were your "posse" (doing those things) work harder for you not to change. It's uncomfortable for them. They relate to you doing the things they do! I think, and I may be wrong, it is the series "RUBY" were large southern girl (who I really am thinking' I could be her bestie) speaks about how she is trying to change her food eating habits and some of those in her group try to feed her more in opposition of her goals. Lame Sauce. It's hard to make change. No doubting. But isn't it what is said in the religious circles "Never said it would be easy, just said it would be worth it"! Yeah and a hoo!

So the daring haircut I have….Blondie and short and spiky…worth every penny my sister spent! (Thanks sis for the reinvention of the Riv-meister!) Lead to new funky eye wear and a few new clothing accessories that have made my attitude better about change. I went to the almighty Costco and purchased a "vitamin pack" to see if that is what my dear fluffy body is needing. (I will keep all four of my viewers posted if I lose weight or not…) I have noticed my eating intake has lessen.! Change. Good. Embrace.

Be happy and do a single change that you have been wanting so badly to do. Go and do a single change.

Joy to all! P.s. if'n you are liking the River please follow follow me!


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