Latent Writer...or Something Like That....

Latent writer......I LOVE TO WRITE! Not saying I have the remotest of talents but I always have a story or thought going through my head. Is everyone like that? Do you have an underdevelopment talent that you have swishing about your head?

I have a confo with a friendo a few days ago-o.....Note to self: poetry in your blood.....that they off handily said, "I am waiting for ____to happen so I can start doing ___."


Successful people don't wait for circumstances to dictate their success, they create and do regardless of the circumstances. I know a few who just dug in their heels and did. Didn't care about financial probs, likability, expertise. They decided they wanted to do that and whoa la....their lives created the situations instead of the situations creating them.

Gem of a wisdom right there. That is what comes once the random fuzz hair sprouts up on one's upper lip. NOW, I said fuzz NOT hair! 

I went Home-coming dress shopping with my second in command today. Random, I know. She said, "Ma, this is the first time you and I have gone dress shopping alone and for me." "Thanks mom."

Ugh. Really, is that a regret....she is a Senior and this is the first time?! I must have missed that mama lesson about dress shopping. I will sit for hours and listen to your dating stories but dress shopping is like pulling a tooth out with a pair of pliers that aren't sterilized and no pain medication. That is what dress shopping is for me. But today was good. We had a time limit and so were able to zip in and zip out. Fun Olive girl. I must say I enjoyed me-self.

 So if I were to sum up the point I am making is try something new, try something you have always wanted....get out and do!


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